Unless you’re fighting drones or ships with beam weapons, you should be safe until they fire their first salvo. Because the Glaive Beam takes time to charge, you don’t want to waste that first 10 seconds of ceasefire. This is vital if you’re flying the Stealth Ship B. This will boost your evasion significantly, and the weapons will harmlessly whiz by your ship 7-9 times out of 10. Wait until just after they fire their lasers or missiles, and then turn it on. Do not cloak immediately when you see your enemy, UNLESS you’re fighting drones or Zoltan ships. With the exception of ships with drones, you should be able to fight all ships in Sectors 1 and 2 without much difficulty. To be fully effective, you need to time when you turn it on. You shouldn’t just use your cloak to stop weapon locks. MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL - LEARN TO USE YOUR CLOAK.

I beat the game my first time on normal using the Nesasio.ġ. Now, that’s quite a list of Cons for both ships, but despite that, and with some patience, I guarantee that you can use the Stealth Ship effectively. *Without extra power in weapons, Glaive Beam is easily disabled early on *Glaive Beam takes a long time to spool ship is vulnerable early on *Sacrifices points in engines to power the Glaive Beam *Powerful against ships with 2 shields or less *Starts with the Glaive Beam, a high-level beam weapon

*If cloaks are damaged, can mean heavy damage for your ship *Hard to face Zoltan ships early on, because of lack of firepower *Fires can be hazardous because of tricky bay door placement *Can be expensive to maintain - no early shields means frequent hull damage. *While Dual Lasers and Mini-beam are effective for the power usage, they are rather weak after sector 1 *Good against Automated Ships and non-beam weaponed ships early on *Great for scouting beacon types for quests/stores *Great for avoiding environmental dangers and other beacon hazards *Dual Lasers provide 2 1-damage shots for 1 power

After many run throughs and tweaking, I’m here to help you unlock the hidden potential of one of my favorite ships. I understand this frustration, because I remember my elation when I unlocked the Stealth Ship, only to find that I couldn’t get it afloat. I have noticed frustration lately from other players over the difficulty of surviving with the Stealth Ships. FTL Game Stealth Ship Guide by Louisiana Hot Sauce